Aspen Highlands Closing Day 2019

Here are our STAS tips for a successful Aspen Highlands closing day:
1. Bring someone with an expense account. $450 Bottles of Veuve at Cloud Nine add up quick.
2. Get there early if you want to ski or ride. Those lines get deeper than a Tahoe powder day.
3. Don't forget to eat. Whether it's tacos, shrimp cocktail, or crab claws a Ski Town All-Stars gotta eat if they want to last all day
4. Send it. Backflip that jump. Chug that beer. Kiss that cougar/f*ckboy. Make sure you send it to the moon on closing day.
If you’re like us you’re getting excited for all the adventures summer can bring, but don’t forget to check out the closest closing day to you and keep heading out to earn your turns when the lifts stop spinning!